Webinar: Plan and optimize through production and logistics simulation

Are you considering changing production or logistical processes? Are you planning to expand or modify your product portfolio? Do you need to know how many input resources (operators, logistics technology, etc.) you will need for an upcoming shift?  

Thanks to the digital model, you can verify the parameters of future production, uncover potential bottlenecks, experiment, and make innovative decisions that save not only your time but also your finances.  

Dynamic simulation allows you to test variations in system operation under different settings and use these outputs to calculate profitability. All of this without physically intervening in ongoing processes at your plant. Easily and in a secure digital environment.  

Plan your production according to customer orders and exploit your own resources to the maximum. 

Our webinar will show you: 

  • How to plan and optimize production and logistic batches in operation 
  • How to monitor the utilization of equipment, warehouses, as well as operators
  • What are the possibilities of using the simulation model in planning
  • How to identify bottlenecks in processes and optimize them 
Line balancing


  • October 22, 2024


02:30 – 03:00 PM


Online, registration required.


English language

We will also broadcast the webinar in Slovak language! If you are interested, you can subscribe to the Slovak version here:
Webinár: Plánujte a optimalizujte prostredníctvom simulácie výroby a logistiky


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