Certified training

QRM: Reduce lead time and overheads! Compete with companies around the world with QRM!

Educational Objective:

Upon complete completion of the training, participants will know:

  • Cost-oriented thinking and time-oriented thinking and their impact on competitiveness,
  • methods used for agile manufacturing strategies benefits and QRM implementation process.

The partial objectives are to understand:

  • Why to focus on time and how to use it to your advantage
  • Why it is important to change the organizational structure and how to set it up
  • Why to think within the limits of time and how important it is to oversize the planning and dynamics of production
  • Why it is advisable not to limit yourself to your own workplace, hall or company, and what benefits it can bring
Znížte lead time aj režijné náklady! Konkurujte firmám na celom svete s QRM!

Education Benefits:

  • You will learn how the most modern operational method for increasing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized companies works in practice
  • You will try QRM methods on case studies.
  • You will be able to join a successful international community that is already using these techniques In addition to a wealth of background information, you will get the opportunity to be among the best in your field

Who should not miss:

Those who make strategic decisions. Above all:

  • owners
  • directors
  • senior managers
  • technicians

mostly small and medium-sized companies. Companies with a growing product range and custom production, for whom time has value.


QRM Bronze Certificate

Each participant will receive a QRM Bronze certificate valid in the EU.

Certified training dates

  • 22. 8. 2024
  • 25. 9. 2024

Where: Asseco CEIT, Univerzitná 8661/6A, 01008, Žilina

Entry: 770 € excl. VAT/participant, registration required

Školenie môžeme realizovať aj priamo vo vašom podniku. Kontaktujte nás.

cene je zahrnuté: coffee break, občerstveniepodklady k školeniu, kniha It´s About Time a certifikát o absolvovaní školenia s platnosťou v EÚ.

Content of the training

1. QRM Bronze

Introduction to certified training

2. The Power of Time: Effective Mapping of the actual State

Unpretentious methods that tell you the truth about your production.

3. Organization

The importance of setting up the organizational structure to function like a well-tuned orchestra.

4. System dynamics - Setting up order fulfillment dynamics

How does capacity utilisation relate to throughput times and costs?

5. Unified Enterprise Strategy - Extending efficiency and rapid response to the entire company

Agile techniques for the entire manufacturing enterprise.

6. Implementation

How does a company that has implemented agile manufacturing QRM techniques work in practice? What results to expect ?


Nastala chyba. Prosím, skúste to ešte raz.
Správa bola úspešne odoslaná

Súhlasím so spracovaním uvedených OÚ za účelom personalizovaného oslovenia obchodníkom. Pred poskytnutím OU som sa oboznámil so spracovaním OÚ


 Eva Piñeiro González

Eva Piñeiro González

Asseco CEIT

Milan Botka

Milan Botka

Asseco CEIT