Lunch & Learn

Noise and ergonomics in the workplace: Lunch & Learn event

Noise in the workplace has a negative impact on ergonomic conditions. Increased noise increases stress and fatigue for workers, which can lead to incorrect working positions. Poor ergonomic habits caused by noise increase the risk of injuries and long-term health problems.

Creating a quieter working environment improves concentration, reduces stress and promotes proper ergonomics. Within the framework of customer input requirements and legislation, the noise performance of the equipment is key.

Noise is often an underestimated environmental factor by manufacturers and is often only addressed when equipment is handed over to customers or during technical inspection. A better solution is to prevent excessive noise from occurring during the design and manufacture of the production equipment, rather than to reduce noise later in the customer’s production area, which can prolong the project handover date.

Excessive noise interferes with the concentration and psychological well-being of workers and, when it exceeds certain levels, can affect their health and cause financial losses to the operator. Preventing excessive noise in the design of the plant is better than dealing with the problem later in the production area.

RTLS Lunch & Learn interactive workshop
Do you want to find out if your workplaces are at risk and then address it? Join us to learn how initial risk screening and detailed ergonomic analyses are carried out. We can help you identify risk factors and design solutions to improve your work environment, increasing productivity and employee satisfaction.


What you will learn in the training:

  • Method of evaluating different acoustic parameters of the equipment
  • Reducing the impact of dominant noise sources on the acoustic performance
  • Utilization of absorption coefficient and soundproofness of the structure
  • Strategy to minimize noise caused by structural design
  • Practical demonstration of elimination of different noise sources of manufacturing equipment
  • Ergonomic audit of workplaces and ergonomic risk map
  • Detailed ergonomic analyses for physical load assessment and design of corrective measures
  • Legislation and technical standards for ergonomic risk assessment
  • Ergonomics assessment in administrative workplaces
  • Software solutions for ergonomics assessment in industrial enterprises


7. november 2024


08:30 – 14:30


Grand Hotel***, Palackého 3477,
911 01 Trenčín

Method of participation

In person, advance registration required.


Slovak language



8:30 – 09:00



09:00 – 09:30

Introduction of Asseco CEIT


09:30 – 11:00

Industrial ergonomics / Mobile app for workplace screening


11:00 – 11:15

Coffee break

Continue the discussions over a cup of coffee or tea.


11:15 – 12:15

Acoustic deficiencies of production facilities


12:15 – 13:15

Lunch break

Delicious food and drinks plus informal discussion to better absorb all the new information and impressions from the past day.


13:15 – 13:45

Practical demonstrations - locating compressed air leaks


13:45 – 14:30



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