Webinar RTLS: How to increase the efficiency of production and intralogistics thanks to a real-time localization system?

Do you know the potential and benefits of implementing a real-time location system (RTLS) in your production or logistics process?

In this webinar, we will introduce you to the most common use cases of RTLS, including our digital twin, which is used by the Danish VELUX Commercial or the Slovak Volkswagen Slovakia.

RTLS: Lunch & Learn
If you’re working on an automation and digitization strategy, a webinar is the perfect way to get started and learn more about how to:
  • Increase the visibility of material and equipment in real time
  • Optimize OEE for mobile robots and forklifts
  • Reduce the time spent on inefficient searches
  • Improve the safety of your employees
    What you will learn at the webinar:
    • How to keep track of the exact location of all your devices and people in real time
    • The real benefits of including an RTLS system in your infrastructure
    • We will introduce you to its basic concept, benefits and main use cases
    • Through a real-life case study, you will learn how you can connect the digital world with real-time data and what this system can bring you in production and logistics and increase monitoring of people’s safety


    October 29, 2024


    14:00 – 14:30




    English language

    We will also broadcast the webinar in Slovak language! If you are interested, you can subscribe to the Slovak version here:
    WEBINÁR: RTLS- Ako zvýšiť efektivitu výroby a intralogistiky vďaka lokalizačnému systému v reálnom čase?


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