
The importance of ergonomics in developing modern and healthy industrial workstations

The importance of ergonomics in developing modern and healthy industrial workstations

Developments in workplaces and technological advances are making innovative ergonomic solutions essential for companies which aim to support a healthy and effective work environment.

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QRM: Process Mining

QRM: Process Mining

Twiserion Design Manager is an excellent tool for creating a digital twin which can successfully integrate both these concepts. With Twiserion Design Manager, you can create a digital model of your production processes and then use Process Mining methods to analyse this model.

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Dynamic simulation as the heart of the planning process

Dynamic simulation as the heart of the planning process

Dynamic simulation is a tool which allows processes and systems to be modelled in real time, with the option of predicting their behaviour in different conditions and scenarios.

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The power of digital transformation in manufacturing using modern technology

The power of digital transformation in manufacturing using modern technology

Today, manufacturing and logistics systems are experiencing revolutionary changes. They are gaining new properties and functions. We are finally starting to see manufacturing as a holonic system. Machines, robots and products are becoming smart, and progressive information and communication technologies are becoming the central nervous system of future manufacturing.

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Increasing the quality of blowing technology as a means of removing noise in production

Increasing the quality of blowing technology as a means of removing noise in production

Výrobné haly sú len zriedkavo nízko hlučným prostredím. So zvýšeným hlukom sa však spájajú zdravotné a sociálne dopady na zamestnancov, a preto je snaha o elimináciu hluku na pracoviskách viac než opodstatnená. Znižovaním hlukovej expozície zamestnancov firmy zároveň znižujú zbytočné finančné náklady.

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Knowledge Forum powered by Asseco CEIT and the British Chamber of Commerce

Knowledge Forum powered by Asseco CEIT and the British Chamber of Commerce

Viac ako šesťdesiat účastníkov zastupujúcich špičkových odborníkov v oblasti digitalizácie a automatizácie prevažne z automobilového priemyslu, ktorí pôsobia po celom Slovensku, je pripravených na poldňové podujatie Knowledge Forum.

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